To start a subscription please fill out this page and the following cutomer information sheet. Select the text with your mouse and cut & paste it into your word processor. Print and mail or e-mail back to us.

The term "Customer" "You" and "Your" refers to you. "Our" "We" and "Us" refers to Net'n 2 It and "Client" refers to "our" customers. "Information" shall include any written or electronic data transmitted to "Us".

Subscription is based on the following understandings:

  1. Information and graphics/photos belongs to the customer and will not be used in any of our other clients' web site.
  2. We will take your information and prepare a web site as outlined by you.
  3. We will send you a hard copy of the web site for your review.
  4. Upon your approval for concept, you will mail us the hard copy and 50% of the fees. We will then make the necessary changes and resubmit them to you.
  5. The 50% paid in advance is to cover the design costs and is non refundable.
  6. If you decide to redesign the concept and/or layout, an additional fees will be charged.
  7. We shall sent back the web sites no more than 3 times for you approval.
  8. You shall hold us harmless from any charges brought upon by the use of the information provided by and/or approved by you.
  9. We shall be held harmless for any errors or omission.
  10. You shall, by signing this agreement, affirm that all materials/information asked to be posted to your web site is your property and/or you have permission from the rightful owner to post and/or use it.
The above fees, terms and conditions are accepted by the company of ______________________________________________________.
located at _____________________________________________,
in the city of ____________________________________________ .
It is our intent to have Net'n 2 It develop our web site. Please take the enclosed information and prepare a draft copy of the web site for our approval.


____________________________________________ Date ____/____/____

Web site by Net'n 2 It. Copyright © 1996-2008 Net'n 2 It Feedback Welcome