My Car, before the re-striping project.

The car was re-striped because the wrong type was applied before I bought it. I was given the following information from the members of the 10th Anniversary Trans Am web site and emails from others:

"The original striping for the door ,roof, and mirror were a one piece "multi stripe" of red/ silver/ and then thicker dark charcoal, all other decals were a red and charcoal with no color between them. The rear window stripe should be approx. 3/8 (. 30) in off back window... paul (TenthYrTA)"

"ALL stripes on the car are to be. 30"(5/16th) away from all body lines. The premask on the NOS stripes makes it easy. All you have to do is line up the premask with the body line and WA-la!! I have quite a few NOS stripes so if you have any questions feel free to ask. And the correct stripe for the mirror is the WIDE charcoal, silver then red. After looking at some of my NOS stripes the only ones that have the silver in the middle are the ones that are applied to Charcoal body color. Roof stripe, doors, mirrors, wing tips. All others are clear in the middle to show the silver body color... Dave"

"Stripes on air extractors are narrower... Brian Kotarski"

"Information is always appreciated. Please be made aware that the stripe which consisted of 3 @ 1/8" stripes (Red,Silver,Charcoal) is that of a reproduction. These are not your base line to compare. GM provided (as we correctly do) 1/8" Red, 1/8" void and 1/4" Charcoal. Only on the mirrors and the small area on the fender between the door crease (front) and hood joint had the void actually filled in with silver (versus void)
Thank you for the link.
Brian@ Phoenix Graphix
PS: Aside from stripes our hood bird is an exact one piece (plus wingtips). The (only) other product is a multi-piece (non-exact)."

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Different stripes...

If you would like to add anything, correct information or perhaps a link, please contact me via

Posted on 5/28/2000

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